Thursday, March 20, 2014

Through the Eyes of Others

Dear City Calvary,

Do we really appreciate what we have?  Really?  I have been to Myanmar several times.  On many occasions, I have asked different people - if they could visit any country in the world, where would they want to go and why.  The vast majority of the individuals I spoke with responded to both questions with the exact same answers.  As to "where", there was little surprise as most wanted to visit the United States of America.  Their answer to the "why" question; however, was less expected.  They weren't longing to go to Disneyland, the Statue of Liberty, Knott's Berry Farm, or Mt. Rushmore.  They don't care about Yellowstone, Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, or the Grand Tetons.  They want to visit our country because they want to see firsthand what real freedom and true justice, for everyone, look like.  They want to experience the peace of walking down the street, without fear of being arrested (or worse) by a corrupt military or police force, led by a group of violent and tyrannical generals.  In other words, their dream vacation is to experience your everyday life, what you and I enjoy every single day -freedom and peace.  Truthfully, most of us Americans take this for granted and don't give it much thought.  That is why it's helpful to see our freedom through the eyes of someone else - to remind us of the enormous privilege we have living in this country.

The point of this letter is not to relish in the benefits of living in the USA but rather to remind us of the wonder of our salvation, as we look at it through the eyes of others, to help us appreciate how incredibly - wonderfully - powerfully blessed we truly are.  That is what 1 Peter 1:3-12 does for us.  In verse 10- 12, Peter writes "Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care... It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you"  Those Old Testament prophets wanted most desperately to understand and experience something that we know clearly and have firmly - grace and the relationship we have with God through Jesus because of it.  They knew God was going to do something special but they didn't know what.  They searched and searched but were told it wasn't for them - but for YOU AND ME.  WOW!!!  Do you feel privileged yet?  It doesn't just stop with the Old Testament prophets either.  Verse 12 says "Even the angels long to look into these things."  Even the angels are amazed about what you and I enjoy 24 hours a day.  What a privilege place we are in!  Thanks to the OT prophets and the angels for reminding us of the incredible value of our salvation.   

This is something we will talk about on Sunday.  Last week we looked at the living hope we have in Jesus and the inheritance kept in heaven - safe, sound, and secure - for you and me.  Praise The Lord for that.  Be sure to read through 1 Peter 1:3-12 to prepare for our study on Sunday.  Be sure to invite a friend to church, preferably someone who needs to learn about or be reminded of this wonderful, beautiful, glorious, gracious salvation given to those who believe in Jesus by our dear Lord and Savior.

Blessings in Jesus,
Pastor John


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Certain Hope


Dear City Calvary,

The word "hope" is an interesting word.  To us humans, though it is a positive word, it is often a word of uncertainty.  For instance, we could say "I hope this beautiful weather stays for a while" or "I hope the Seahawks win the Super Bowl again in 2015" or "I hope to get a tax refund this year", etc. - you get the idea.  And even if our human hopes are realized, they are only temporary.

To God, the word "hope" is not only an incredibly positive word, it is a word of certainty!  We see this in a powerful way in 1 Peter, the book we are starting this Sunday. 1 Peter 1:3-4 says "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!  In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a LIVING HOPE through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade - kept in heaven for you..."  This is the best kind of hope because it's eternal.  Our human hopes will come and go.  We may even experience times of hopelessness in the circumstances of life on planet Earth, but we always have our hope in Heaven and our hope is in Jesus.  Praise The Lord for that!!!  

Read through all of 1 Peter before Sunday and I'm so excited to study this book with you.

Blessings in Jesus,
Pastor John

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Why Wait?

John’s blog
Note from Pastor John

Dear City Calvary,

When Jesus was gathered with His disciples at the last supper, He made them (and us) an incredible promise.  In John 14:1-3,  He spoke of His Father's House and that He was going there to prepare a place for them (and us).  He promised that He would come back and take them (and us) to be with Him that they (and we) may also be where He is.  What a promise!!!  The Body of Christ has been waiting for the Lord's return ever since He ascended into Heaven and someday, He will fulfill that promise.

So what do we do until He returns for us?  We wait patiently and stand firm.  How do we do that?  James told us in James 5:7-12.  He gave us three examples - a farmer, the prophets, and Job. 
A farmer - After planting the crops in the fall, a farmer looks forward each year to the day he can bring in his precious harvest.  Until then, he must wait for the rains and the proper seasons to come.  It can't be rushed.  While he is waiting, he is busy about the land, doing the necessary things to keep the farm in good working order.  We too must wait however long it takes until The Lord comes back for us.  In the meantime, we are to be busy about God's kingdom, doing the necessary work that needs to be done in preparation for His Harvest.  That means we are to keep loving and serving Jesus, keep sharing the Gospel, and keep doing what The Lord is calling us to do.  
The prophets - The prophets were persecuted for telling the truth.  Did they stop telling the truth because of their trials?  Did they give up standing for God when others tried to knock them down?  Did they quit because of suffering.  NO!!!  We too are to continue telling the truth about Jesus.  We are not to give up or quit living for Him and His glory, no matter how many obstacles we face.  We keep going, regardless of how long we must wait.
Job - Job suffered as much as any man ever has.  He lost his wealth, his health, and his children.  He never criticized God but instead declared "The Lord gives and The Lord takes away.  May the name of The Lord be praised."  He believed God, no matter how much he suffered.  That is such an example for us.  Life has its challenges but we need never doubt Jesus love for us and that He will help us get through anything and everything that life presents.  No matter what happens in life, He is worthy of praise.  (Don't make foolish vows and don't grumble against others.)

This coming Sunday, Lord willing, we will finish the book of James - focusing in on 5:13-20.  I'm so thankful for this passage because James tells us what to do when we are in trouble, suffering, sick.  We can be proactive about things rather than just sitting there.  What can we do?  Come to church on Sunday and find out.  Be sure to read and meditate on James 5:13-20 to prepare your heart and mind.

In Jesus love,
Pastor John 

PS  When is The Lord coming?  Who knows?  We do know that the Bible tells us that we don't know; however, James tells in 5:8 "the Lord's coming is near."  So let's live like He's coming today because one of these days, He will - and it may just be today!!!