Wednesday, January 14, 2015

God does not have R&D

January 14, 2015
Dear City Calvary,

According to Wikipedia, did you know that the US companies spent $405,300,000,000 on research and development last year.  That is a lot.  The next closest country was China at $297 billion.  Germany spent $69.5B and the UK was $38.4B.  Our neighbors to the north, Canada spent a mere $24.3B.  American companies spending that much makes sense because ours is a very competitive consumer driven economy and manufacturers need to invest that much to stay ahead of the competition.  They want to make those improvements to keep that competitive edge.  You and I are the beneficiaries because we get better products at cheaper prices all the time.  Just look at TVs and computers.  

We learned on Sunday (1 John 2:18-27) that the Kingdom of God does not work that way at all.  God spends nothing on R & D because the Gospel cannot be improved on.  It is perfect.  Jesus is God the Son and is perfect in every way.  His word is perfect.  His truths are perfect.  He alone is the truth and there is not competition.  Anything and everything else that would "improve" or "add to" the Gospel, or change our understanding of who Jesus is, are lies that would lead us away.  John warns the people that there are those who would try to lead the believer astray.

He reminds the reader of two great protections we have - the truth and the Holy Spirit who anoints us to know the truth.  We are to remain in the truth and have that truth remain in us.  It is something we have been anointed to know.  God has made everything straight forward and we don't need any special education.  In fact, John says that we don't even need teachers.  The Lord will teach you more from your time in His word than any sermon I or another preacher could give.  We have the truth and we have the anointing to know the truth.  Praise God for that.  Make sure you are spending time regularly in the truth of the Bible.

Now for the announcement.  It is important that you be at church this Sunday because I and the elders will be sharing about the church, summarizing financials, etc.  Now I know that you may be tempted to skip because the Seahawks game begins at 12:05.  Don't skip.  We will end the service a few minutes early so that everyone can get home in time to watch kick-off.  I'll keep my message short.  Unless you have tickets to the game (like Tim Rice), I'll see you this Sunday.

Blessings in Jesus,

Pastor John

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

This World is Passing Away

Dear City Calvary,

Gabe is our dog.  He's a big, loyal, lovable yellow lab and an important member of the Aydelott family.  We brought him home as a mischievous little puppy and now he's a 10 year old kind gentleman.  On Saturday, Gabe was limping and we noticed a growth on his right front leg.  A trip to the vet confirmed that he has bone cancer and needs to be put down.  As you can imagine, there are many tears in our house as we must say goodbye to a very dear friend. 

I begin my letter with this sad story to remind us all of an important truth - everything in this world will pass away.  As we read on Sunday, in 1 John 2:17 "The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever."  Did you catch that?  The world (the world system that is apart from God) and it's desires pass away BUT the person who does the will of God will go on through all eternity.  

If that is so, then how should we live?  John tells us two verses earlier in verse 15: "Do not love the world or anything in the world."  Why?  Verse 16: "If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him."  We can't have two lovers.  Jesus put it best when he said in Matthew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters.  Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other."  We either love God or we love the world. 

How are we to love Jesus?  Well that is between you and Him but we can definitely speak the five love languages.  (Gary Chapman's book on marriage - The Five Love Languages.)
Words of affirmation - Praise and worship Jesus
Acts of service - Serve God.  How will you serve the Lord this year?
Giving/Receiving Gifts - What we give - tithes and offerings, time, etc.
Quality time - Time alone with God.  The new year is a great time to begin again on your time spent with the Lord in prayer and the word.  What is your plan for 2015?  Read through the Bible.  Dedicate yourself to getting up early. 
Physical touch - Jesus said, "as you do this to the least of these you have done unto me."  We can be Jesus hands and love people.  Who around us does Jesus want to touch with His love -through us?

Next Sunday, we read of John's warning about those who would lead believers astray.  Read ahead - 1 John 2:18-27.   Below is a picture of Gabe at the doctor's office on Saturday.  He's dying of cancer but still has his big smile.

Blessings in Jesus,
Pastor John