Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Really Good News of Suffering

July 30, 2014
Dear City Calvary,

It is so great to be back from our family trip to Europe.  We had a wonderful time but as Dorothy once said, "There's no place like home." 

This past Sunday, we jumped back into 1 Peter and looked at chapter 4:12-19, where the main theme was suffering.  It seemed strange to preach about suffering after returning from the south of France, but just try traveling in a van with four teenagers - through three different countries in three weeks.  All kidding aside, suffering is a real part of life for everyone.  It comes in different ways at different times, in different degrees but our Lord won't shelter any us from it.  We may be surprised and even question why, but it is for our good.  Peter gives us a couple examples.

1 - Our relationship with Jesus is taken to a deeper level.  In verse 13, Peter tells us to "rejoice the you participate in the sufferings of Christ.."  The Greek word for "participate" is koinonia which speaks of fellowship, relationship, partnering.  I don't know about you but the times of suffering in my life always drive me to a closer relationship with Christ and a greater dependance on Him.  The end result is verse 13 "that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed."

2 - Peter writes that we are "blessed" (verse 14) because the "Spirit of the glory of God rests on you".  It is a time for the believer to radiate the glory of God as we are filled with and encouraged by the Holy Spirit.

What do we do when we are in it?  Verse 19 - "Commit" yourself to your "faithful Creator" and "continue to do good".  Commit yourself to Jesus and live for His glory. 

This Sunday, we are in 1 Peter 5.  As one pastor once said "The church needs leaders who serve and servants who lead."  Peter addresses the leadership with some encouraging words. 

It's good to be home, God bless you, and see you Sunday.

In Jesus love,
Pastor John

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