Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Dear CCC,
The number 29,163.5 probably doesn't mean much to you, but it should.  Twentynine thousand one hundred sixty-three point five.  What is so significant about that number?  29,163.5 is average life expectancy (in days) for those living in the State of Washington (ranked 13th nationally for longevity).  If you are average, you will experience 29,163.5 complete rotations of planet Earth.  

If I do my math correctly, I have lived 19,142 days which means I have 10,021.5 remaining.  How many days do you have left?  Do the math.  In fact, it's biblical.  Psalm 90:12 says "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."   Now obviously the intent in that verse isn't about counting the actual number of days; besides, no one knows that number except The Lord.  The New Living Translation says it well - "Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom."

That is what our study was about this past Sunday in James 4:13-17 as the word likens life to a "mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."  Therefore, it is important that we live each day wisely.  How do we best do that?  James 4:15 tells us, "you ought to say, 'If it is the Lord's will we will live and do this or that.'"  This recognizes that every day is a gift from God and He is sovereignty in control of each one of them.  Yes, we can make our plans and goals but it is important that we remain fully submitted to Jesus, knowing that His will supersedes everything and our desire must be to make the most of each of day, for His glory.

In our world, the desire and pursuit of money consumes much of each day.  Considering that money is so temporary, what is the right attitude that God wants us to have towards wealth?  In our text this Sunday (James 5:1-6), we definitely see the wrong attitude about money and the resulting consequences.  Be sure to read ahead and I look forward to seeing you on this last Sunday of February - the month with the fewest days.

Blessings in Jesus,

Pastor John 

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