Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Tongue’s Power Part 2

The Tongue’s Power Part 2
Pastor John’s Notes

Greetings City Calvary,
In the message on Sunday, I asked a couple imaginary questions for us to ponder.
1. If we could visibly see the impact that our words have on people (like paintballs leaving a colored mark - good or bad), how would that affect our speech and written communication?  
2. If the 10,000 taste buds on our tongue could not only taste the food we eat but also the words we speak (sweet, savory, bitter, foul), how would that change what we say?  
Unfortunately, neither of those happen so it's important we take to heart what we learned in James 3:1-12 about the tongue.  Over the past two weeks, we learned about the tongue and how powerful it is and capable of producing tremendous good and evil.  Our use of the tongue is one of the hallmarks that shows our level of spiritual maturity.  Jesus desires great victory for all of us, in this area.

So, if we are to use the tongue properly, what do we need?  WISDOM!  That is the topic of our passage this Sunday (Jan. 19).  Yes, we need wisdom but it needs to be the right wisdom.  James 3:13-18 teaches us that there are two kinds of wisdom - earthly and heavenly.  Be sure to read ahead and pray/meditate over this passage, to be ready to grow together in our walk with Jesus. 

Blessings to you in Jesus,
Pastor John

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