September, 10 2014
City Calvary,
I was recently at my local Wells Fargo branch, doing a little banking and I asked the teller how often customers (knowingly or unknowingly) try to deposit counterfeit money. She told me that it does happen from time to time but not frequently. I then asked her what they do with the counterfeit bills when they come across.
I was recently at my local Wells Fargo branch, doing a little banking and I asked the teller how often customers (knowingly or unknowingly) try to deposit counterfeit money. She told me that it does happen from time to time but not frequently. I then asked her what they do with the counterfeit bills when they come across.
immediately confiscate the fake notes and send them to the FBI."
what about the unwitting victim who worked hard for that counterfeit money, do
they get compensated at all for their loss?"
it's their tough luck."
Those no good, dirty rotten, scoundrel counterfeiters, I hope they get
caught and thrown in jail."
is what Peter was writing about in 2 Peter 2, which we studied last Sunday.
He wrote of the false teachers and prophets who were secretly introducing
destructive heresies into the churches, even denying the sovereign Lord Jesus
Christ. Peter had some choice language to describe these liars and what
he wanted their end to be. After all, think about the sorry person who
stands before The Lord someday, only to find that they believed a counterfeit
gospel that is worth no value in the Kingdom of Heaven. So Peter warns
the believers.
our world today, we have false prophets and teachers as well. Cults have
been on the increase; but even more, there are those in the church that are
false prophets. It's not necessarily what they teach, it's what they
don't teach. They will teach the importance of proper living and social
issues but they never speak of salvation through Jesus. Paul said in 1
Corinthians 2:2 "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you
except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." There are many who teach
everything except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. If a teacher or pastor
doesn't ever proclaim the gospel and tell people how they can be saved through
believing in Jesus, they are a modern day example of a false teacher.
People may go to church all day every day but if they haven't repented of
sin and put their faith in God the Son for salvation and eternal life, all they
have is a counterfeit religion, no matter how good it looks.
seen this Sunday, in 2 Peter 3, that the false teachers don't just stop at
denying the sovereignty of Jesus, they make fun of those who believe that Jesus
is coming back. Peter calls them "scoffers". Peter
reminds us that Jesus is coming back, He's just waiting for the right time
until all those who will be saved are saved and then - look out or rather, look
up. While we wait, it's important that we live and believe like He is
coming today.
love The Lord Jesus, live for The Lord Jesus, bring glory to His name.
Everything else is just details.
in our Mighty God,
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